Sign up today. We Start Monday, November 11th.


Speak Like a Leader

A Leadership Experience for Women of Color

Learn How to Communicate Your Value & 
Get Noticed By Decision-Makers in just 7 days.

Are You Tired of Being Overlooked? Let’s Fix That.

You’ve been grinding, delivering results—but they still don’t see you. It’s not your work, it’s how they perceive it. Let’s change that.

In just 7 days, you’ll gain the skills to speak like a leader, so decision-makers can’t ignore you anymore. This program gives you the tools to get noticed, get promoted, and finally get paid what you’re worth.

Hear from our community

How this work is repositioning women in the workplace......


“I attended the communications call with Anita and other wonderful women. Let me tell you that it was the most enriching and transformative experience.”

D. Gilet, Technology


“My presentation went really well! I got feedback from other colleagues that I spoke really confidently.”

— J. White, Banking

Ready to Be Seen & Promoted?

By the end of the week, you’ll have the tools to:

Why This Matters

You’ve already got the skills and the talent. Now it’s time to make sure the right people see it. Gain the tools you need to position yourself for the leadership role you deserve. No more waiting—take charge of your career.

This Is for Women of color Who Know They're Meant for More
& Are Ready to lead

Yes! I'm Talking to you if:

What to Expect

Daily Actionable Lessons

Real strategies you can use to communicate your value immediately.

An Exclusive Workbook

A practical tool to help you refine your message and track your growth.

Supportive Community

You don’t have to do this alone. Be surrounded by women who get it.

It's time to Take Action

Stop waiting for someone else to notice you. Show them you’re ready to lead.

“Lemon drops jujubes fruitcake gummi bears halvah cake jujubes sweet. Candy canes wafer croissant cheesecake bear claw cotton candy gingerbread. Cookie tart donut sweet gingerbread sesame.”

— Your client name

“Chocolate cake cheesecake cotton candy liquorice soufflé cotton candy pudding sugar plum. Jelly dragée gummi bears candy chupa chups sesame snaps muffin lollipop biscuit gingerbread pudding cream.”

— Your client name

Meet your coach

Hi, I'm Splendid

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras bibendum cursus interdum. Suspendisse imperdiet metus feugiat lectus fringilla non. Fusce varius diam sed neque laoreet dapibus nulla mollis condimentum.
Curabitur egestas, enim sit amet eleifend mattis nullapus aliquam porttitor nisi tortor velamet feugiat lacus tristiq turpis, nec varius ligula. Duis aliquam neque vel mauris blandit egestas faucibus phasellus dolor euismod.

As seen in:


You Asked, We Answered

Skim the Frequently Asked Questions

Suspendisse in mi sit amet sem volutpat ornare a molestie diam. Sed aliquet eros justo, rutrum volutpat metus semper vel. Nunc volutpat sapien eget ipsum faucibus efficitur scelerisque nec massa. Nullam eleifend non elit vitae tempor. Nam efficitur lobortis tellus, a sagittis nisi sollicitudin nec. Donec luctus volutpat dolor, lacinia fringilla lectus ornare sit amet. Sed fermentum mattis aliquam. Ut venenatis luctus neque non pretium.

Nullam in quam faucibus, imperdiet turpis ut, ultricies neque. Fusce luctus vehicula sapien lobortis condimentum. Ut condimentum mi eu neque tincidunt, vitae sodales tortor feugiat. Etiam vulputate vestibulum ligula, vel faucibus erat. Nulla facilisi. Nullam consequat, nisi sit amet ornare mattis, nisl augue ultricies augue, et pretium ligula urna sit amet diam. Nullam et nunc lectus. Integer nec sagittis massa. Proin ac egestas quam, vel cursus diam.

Maecenas in blandit enim. Morbi orci turpis, placerat in velit eu, rutrum feugiat sem. Nam posuere aliquam urna ac vulputate. Mauris ut ligula ac lacus mattis hendrerit vel nec libero. Integer aliquam laoreet metus, at laoreet dui molestie ac. Etiam id ipsum sed mauris sagittis accumsan at sit amet eros.

Suspendisse in mi sit amet sem volutpat ornare a molestie diam. Sed aliquet eros justo, rutrum volutpat metus semper vel. Nunc volutpat sapien eget ipsum faucibus efficitur scelerisque nec massa. Nullam eleifend non elit vitae tempor. Nam efficitur lobortis tellus, a sagittis nisi sollicitudin nec. Donec luctus volutpat dolor, lacinia fringilla lectus ornare sit amet. Sed fermentum mattis aliquam. Ut venenatis luctus neque non pretium.

Phasellus facilisis scelerisque ullamcorper. Curabitur rutrum eget elit at laoreet. Vestibulum quis magna faucibus, pretium dolor eu, blandit dolor. Maecenas sit amet urna at ante mattis iaculis semper in justo. Integer semper blandit pulvinar. Nam rhoncus ac quam sed vulputate. Ut sit amet est erat.